Return & Refund

# Changing your mind after placing order and before getting the plants

Please contact us by phone (+852 3690 0000) or WhatsApp (+852 6908 7060) with your order number. Fees may apply as the below:

Order confirmed
within 24 hours after 24 hours
Admin fee Not applicable $120 per time
Price differences
(if any)
Pay by customers or refund by us Pay by customers; no refunds would be made

# Upon delivery
Please check the plants. Plants are non-exchangeable and non-refundable after signing the receipt.

# After signing the receipt
Within 7 days of delivery, if the plants wilt because of quality issues, a replacement of the same species would be arranged. No replacements and refunds would be available after 7 days of delivery.

Please send the photos of the plants with your order number to or WhatsApp (+852 6908 7060).

Yellow leaves are commonly seen when the plants are adapting to a new environment. That may take 1 to 2 months. If you are not sure about plant conditions, you may check out the caring tips on the plant pages, FAQs or contact us at WhatsApp (+852 6908 7060). We would be happy to help.

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